LogisticsWorld Advertising Application
TERMS OF SERVICE AND SALES AGREEMENT LogLink™ / LogisticsWorld™ is a provider of internet advertising and marketing services, and internet directory services, the purpose of which is to make the advertising customer's products and website visible to related industry markets. To this end, LogLink / LogisticsWorld provides free directory listings in the LogLink Directory™ / LogisticsWorld Directory™, free online email feedback service, pay graphics and banner services, and pay news release postings. LogLink / LogisticsWorld uses reasonable care in producing, maintaining, and managing banners, graphics, statistical services, internet applications, server hardware and software, and all supporting agreements and infrastructure to produce an advertising product that is acceptable to the customer's expectations. Within the limits of the service terms, technology, application of that technology, accessibility of the LogLink / LogisticsWorld web site given industry standards for the normal functioning and operation of the hardware and software used to produce the LogLink / LogisticsWorld web site, the technical expertise of the technicians, website maintainers, and website designers, network support, the internet connection provider, the internet service provider, and customer desires and criteria, LogLink / LogisticsWorld is committed to producing the best product available at a reasonable price. However, the nature of the aforementioned limitations and the internet in general, and the need for routine scheduled maintenance, system hardware and software upgrades, system hardware and software maintenance, and unscheduled system hardware and software maintenance and configuration, is such that no guarantee can be made to the complete accessibility of the website, and thus, customer advertising or marketing information for potential viewers, or the potential for complete and uninterrupted customer utility of the advertising service during such occurrences. When these occurrences are determined to be the result of negligence on the part of LogLink / LogisticsWorld, LogLink / LogisticsWorld will make every effort to compensate the customer for potential loss by means of extended services or prorated reimbursement of lost service cost. However, this loss must be presented as clear and unequivocal with regard to the actual damages or loss of sales or profitability resulting from the inaccessibility of the customer's advertising or marketing materials and similar justification in the inability to recover the loss by means of extended services or the recoupment of the cost of the lost service. LogLink / LogisticsWorld does not guarantee complete and uninterrupted service. LogLink / LogisticsWorld assumes no liability for any loss, damage or expense from loss of service due to the following described events. LogLink / LogisticsWorld will, from time to time, go off-line and become inaccessible to the internet for scheduled maintenance for a maximum of 1-percent per given time period during non-peak hours of operation, and will, from time to time, decrease the speed and capacity available for site operation for a maximum of 18-percent per given time period during non-peak hours of operation, and predicts, in advance, a percentage of 1-percent per given time period of inaccessibility or down-time due to unscheduled maintenance during any given period of operation, peak or non-peak hours of operation. LogLink / LogisticsWorld further predicts, that for every 5,000 hours of operation, the existence of the increased and significant potential for the complete failure of operation and service due to unforeseen catastrophic software, hardware, telecommunications, or network failures for an unforeseen period of time. Should an unforeseen catastrophic event such as this occur, the customer will be contacted as soon as possible and informed of the nature of the event, an immediate service work-around will be pursued if deemed efficient or appropriate to the situation, alternative forms of service will be pursued and instituted if deemed efficient or appropriate to the situation, and the customer will be compensated in the amount of services lost by a factor of 2 times the period the service was unavailable, or monetarily reimbursed equal to the prorated time the service was unavailable if the customer has made payment for services in advance, or will be billed with the discounted prorated time the service was unavailable if the customer account is outstanding. LogLink / LogisticsWorld assumes no additional liability for any loss, damage or expense from occurrences such as these or from the normal scheduled maintenance of the system. LogLink / LogisticsWorld uses reasonable care in promoting itself to produce a steady flow of visitors to the site. LogLink / LogisticsWorld can not and does not guarantee the number of impressions of your text or graphic banner, the number of potential customers who will follow the hyperlink to your site, or the effectiveness of the graphics and placement in increasing your website traffic, your sales, or profitability. LogLink / LogisticsWorld assumes that the benefits and hazards of advertising using any medium are understood by the customer, and affirms that these are prevalent also in the medium of the world wide web. In analogy, LogLink / LogisticsWorld services work much as does a "billboard on a highway." In analogy, in the manner in which the owner of the billboard can not control the traffic past the billboard, neither can LogLink / LogisticsWorld control the number of visitors to the website. In analogy, in the manner in which the owner of the billboard can not guarantee that passers by will view the billboard or take advantage of the services offered, neither can LogLink / LogisticsWorld guarantee that visitors will view or take advantage of the services offered by advertisements posted on the LogLink / LogisticsWorld site. LogLink / LogisticsWorld retains full right and discretion to remove advertising and marketing materials any time for reason of entry errors that result in corrupted HTML markup, file composition, or for any inappropriateness. LogLink / LogisticsWorld makes no guarantee regarding the accessibility of your listing and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information displayed. LogLink / LogisticsWorld assumes no liability for loss or damage resulting from information provided to LogLink / LogisticsWorld. Information you submit to LogLink / LogisticsWorld is used for the purposes of display in LogLink / LogisticsWorld service and the management of that service. LogLink / LogisticsWorld does not use your information or provide your information to third parties for mass email marketing purposes, and refuses any requests for the same. Submitting your information to the LogLink / LogisticsWorld Directory constitutes authorization to publish your listing in the directory, and agreement to the terms and conditions of the listing outlined here. LogLink / LogisticsWorld retains the right to amend it's pricing structure as needed to reflect cost and market trends, but will do so only, with respect to existing customer accounts, at the end of existing customer account period and with prior notice to the customer. Submitting your information to LogLink / LogisticsWorld and acknowledgement of these terms and conditions, constitutes authorization to use this information in the LogLink / LogisticsWorld service, and agreement to the terms and conditions of the sale and service outlined here.
DIRECTORY Transportation Logistics Freight Employment Trucking Software Consulting Warehousing Supply Chain Import / Export Technology Manufacturing Services Travel / Tourism Trade / Finance Business / Mgmt Educational Govt / Military International
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