
Country Profile
Flag of Jamaica
Continent:Central America / Central America and the Caribbean
Area:10991 sq km
Population:2,758,124 (CIA World Factbook est as of 2006)
Population:2661.81 (United Nations est as of 2006, in thousands)
Population Men:1315.407
Population Women:1346.403
Annual Growth Rate:0.506 %
Birth Rate:20.82 %
Death Rate:6.52 %
Life Expectancy:73.24 years
Infant Mortality Rate:15.98 %
Fertility Rate:2.41 %
HIV AIDS Adult Prev Rate:1.2 %
HIV AIDS Living With:22,000
HIV AIDS Deaths:900
Labor Force:1,197,000
Unemployment Rate:11 %
GDP Per Capita:$4,600
GDP Purchasing Power:$12,710,000,000
GDP Real Growth:2.7
Industrial Growth:-2
Inflation Rate CP:9.1 %
Investment Gross Fixed:30.8
Public Debt:129.7
Capital Population:937700 (metro area) / 590500 (city proper)
Capital Coordinates:18 00 N, 76 48 W
UTC Offset:-5
Washington D.C. UTC Offset Note:same time as Washington, DC during Standard Time
Merchant Marine:10 (total ships 1,000 GRT or over)
Roadways:20996 km
Railways:272 km
Airports:35 (total paved or unpaved)
Internet Users:1067000
Internet Hosts:1402
Telephones Mobile:2,700,000
Telephones Main:342000
Debt External:$7,384,000,000
Foreign Exchange Reserves:$2,150,000,000
Current Account Balance:-$970,000,000
Natural Gas Consumption:0
Natural Gas Production:0
Electricity Consumption:6,429,000,000
Electricity Production:6,913,000,000
Oil Consumption:71,000
Oil Production:0

 Map of Jamaica
Map of Jamaica


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