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NAICS / SIC Codes Lookup and Conversion Table

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42242 Packaged Frozen Food Wholesalers 5142 Packaged Frozen Foods
56191 Packaging and Labeling Services 7389 Business Services, NEC (packaging and labeling services)
333993 Packaging Machinery Manufacturing 3565 Packaging Machinery
488991 Packing and Crating 4783 Packing and Crating
513321 Paging 4812 Radiotelephone Communications (paging carriers)
32551 Paint and Coating Manufacturing 2851 Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels and Allied Products
32551 Paint and Coating Manufacturing 2899 Chemicals and Chemical Preparations, NEC (frit)
44412 Paint and Wallpaper Stores 5231 Paint, Glass, and Wallpaper Stores (paint and wallpaper)
3255 Paint, Coating, and Adhesive Manufacturing ---- (No conversion)
42295 Paint, Varnish, and Supplies Wholesalers 5198 Paints, Varnishes, and Supplies
2352 Painting and Wall Covering Contractors ---- (No conversion)
23521 Painting and Wall Covering Contractors 1721 Painting and Paper Hanging
23521 Painting and Wall Covering Contractors 1799 Special Trade Contractors, NEC (paint and wallpaper stripping and wallpaper removal contractors)
322121 Paper (except Newsprint) Mills 2611 Pulp Mills (pulp mills producing paper)
322121 Paper (except Newsprint) Mills 2621 Paper Mills (except newsprint mills)
4221 Paper and Paper Product Wholesalers ---- (No conversion)
32222 Paper Bag and Coated and Treated Paper Manufacturing ---- (No conversion)
333291 Paper Industry Machinery Manufacturing 3554 Paper Industries Machinery
322 Paper Manufacturing ---- (No conversion)
32212 Paper Mills ---- (No conversion)
32221 Paperboard Container Manufacturing ---- (No conversion)
32213 Paperboard Mills 2611 Pulp Mills (pulp mills producing paperboard)
32213 Paperboard Mills 2631 Paperboard Mills
81293 Parking Lots and Garages 7299 Miscellaneous Personal Services, NEC (valet parking services)
81293 Parking Lots and Garages 7521 Automobile Parking
92215 Parole Offices and Probation Offices 8322 Individual and Family Social Services (parole and probation offices)
532112 Passenger Car Leasing 7515 Passenger Car Leasing
532111 Passenger Car Rental 7514 Passenger Car Rental
53211 Passenger Car Rental and Leasing ---- (No conversion)
541214 Payroll Services 7819 Services Allied to Motion Picture Production (talent payment services)
541214 Payroll Services 8721 Accounting, Auditing, and Bookkeeping Services (payroll services)
111992 Peanut Farming 0139 Field Crops, Except Cash Grains, NEC (peanut farms)
339941 Pen and Mechanical Pencil Manufacturing 3951 Pens, Mechanical Pencils, and Parts
52511 Pension Funds 6371 Pension, Health, and Welfare Funds (pension funds)
7111 Performing Arts Companies ---- (No conversion)
711 Performing Arts, Spectator Sports, and Related Industries ---- (No conversion)
51112 Periodical Publishers 2721 Periodicals: Publishing, or Publishing and Printing
51112 Periodical Publishers 2741 Miscellaneous Publishing (shopping news)
311991 Perishable Prepared Food Manufacturing 2099 Food Preparations, NEC (perishable prepared food)
8114 Personal and Household Goods Repair and Maintenance ---- (No conversion)
812 Personal and Laundry Services ---- (No conversion)
8121 Personal Care Services ---- (No conversion)
316993 Personal Leather Good (except Women's Handbag and Purse) Manufacturing 3172 Personal Leather Goods, Except Women's Handbags and Purses
32532 Pesticide and Other Agricultural Chemical Manufacturing 2879 Pesticides and Agricultural Chemicals, NEC
3253 Pesticide, Fertilizer, and Other Agricultural Chemical Manufacturing ---- (No conversion)
45391 Pet and Pet Supplies Stores 5999 Miscellaneous Retail Stores, NEC (pet and pet supplies)
81291 Pet Care (except Veterinary) Services 0752 Animal Speciality Services, Except Veterinary (pet care services, except veterinary)
32511 Petrochemical Manufacturing 2865 Cyclic Organic Crudes and Intermediates, and Organic Dyes and Pigments (aromatics)
32511 Petrochemical Manufacturing 2869 Industrial Organic Chemicals, NEC (aliphatics)
324 Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing ---- (No conversion)
3241 Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing ---- (No conversion)
4227 Petroleum and Petroleum Products Wholesalers ---- (No conversion)
42272 Petroleum and Petroleum Products Wholesalers (except Bulk Stations and Terminals) 5172 Petroleum and Petroleum Products Wholesalers, Except Bulk Stations and Terminals
42271 Petroleum Bulk Stations and Terminals 5171 Petroleum Bulk Stations and Terminals (except petroleum sold via retail method)
324191 Petroleum Lubricating Oil and Grease Manufacturing 2992 Lubricating Oils and Greases
32411 Petroleum Refineries 2911 Petroleum Refining
3254 Pharmaceutical and Medicine Manufacturing ---- (No conversion)
32541 Pharmaceutical and Medicine Manufacturing ---- (No conversion)
325412 Pharmaceutical Preparation Manufacturing 2834 Pharmaceutical Preparations
325412 Pharmaceutical Preparation Manufacturing 2835 In-Vitro and In-Vivo Diagnostic Substances (except in-vitro diagnostic)
44611 Pharmacies and Drug Stores 5912 Drug Stores and Proprietary Stores
212392 Phosphate Rock Mining 1475 Phosphate Rock
325312 Phosphatic Fertilizer Manufacturing 2874 Phosphatic Fertilizers
81292 Photofinishing ---- (No conversion)
812921 Photofinishing Laboratories (except One-Hour) 7384 Photofinishing Laboratories (except one-hour)
333315 Photographic and Photocopying Equipment Manufacturing 3861 Photographic Equipment and Supplies (except photographic film, paper, plates, and chemicals)
42141 Photographic Equipment and Supplies Wholesalers 5043 Photographic Equipment and Supplies
325992 Photographic Film, Paper, Plate, and Chemical Manufacturing 3861 Photographic Equipment and Supplies (photographic films, paper, plates and chemicals)
54192 Photographic Services ---- (No conversion)
541921 Photography Studios, Portrait 7221 Photographic Studios, Portrait
42231 Piece Goods, Notions, and Other Dry Goods Wholesalers 5131 Piece Goods, Notions, and Other Dry Goods (except piece goods converters)
486 Pipeline Transportation ---- (No conversion)
4861 Pipeline Transportation of Crude Oil ---- (No conversion)
48611 Pipeline Transportation of Crude Oil 4612 Crude Petroleum Pipelines
4862 Pipeline Transportation of Natural Gas ---- (No conversion)
48621 Pipeline Transportation of Natural Gas 4922 Natural Gas Transmission
48621 Pipeline Transportation of Natural Gas 4923 Natural Gas Transmission and Distribution (transmission)
48691 Pipeline Transportation of Refined Petroleum Products 4613 Refined Petroleum Pipelines
33322 Plastics and Rubber Industry Machinery Manufacturing 3559 Special Industry Machinery, NEC (rubber and plastics manufacturing machinery)
326 Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing ---- (No conversion)
32616 Plastics Bottle Manufacturing 3085 Plastics Bottles
325211 Plastics Material and Resin Manufacturing 2821 Plastics Materials, Synthetic and Resins, and Nonvulcanizable Elastomers
42261 Plastics Materials and Basic Forms and Shapes Wholesalers 5162 Plastics Materials and Basic Forms and Shapes
326122 Plastics Pipe and Pipe Fitting Manufacturing 3084 Plastics Pipe
326122 Plastics Pipe and Pipe Fitting Manufacturing 3089 Plastics Products, NEC (pipe fittings)
32612 Plastics Pipe, Pipe Fitting, and Unsupported Profile Shape Manufacturing ---- (No conversion)
326191 Plastics Plumbing Fixture Manufacturing 3088 Plastics Plumbing Fixtures
3261 Plastics Product Manufacturing ---- (No conversion)
322223 Plastics, Foil, and Coated Paper Bag Manufacturing 2673 Plastics, Foil, and Coated Paper Bags (except all plastics)
33231 Plate Work and Fabricated Structural Product Manufacturing ---- (No conversion)
332313 Plate Work Manufacturing 3443 Fabricated Plate Work (Boiler Shops) (fabricated plate work and metal weldments)
42172 Plumbing and Heating Equipment and Supplies (Hydronics) Wholesalers 5074 Plumbing and Heating Equipment and Supplies (Hydronics) (except plumbing equipment sold via retail method)
332913 Plumbing Fixture Fitting and Trim Manufacturing 3432 Plumbing Fixture Fittings and Trim (except shower rods and lawn hose nozzles)
2351 Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Contractors ---- (No conversion)
23511 Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Contractors 1711 Plumbing, Heating and Air-Conditioning
23511 Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Contractors 7699 Repair Shops and Related Services (boiler cleaning)
92212 Police Protection 9221 Police Protection
325612 Polish and Other Sanitation Good Manufacturing 2842 Specialty Cleaning, Polishing, and Sanitary Preparations
81394 Political Organizations 8651 Political Organizations
32614 Polystyrene Foam Product Manufacturing 3086 Plastics Foam Products (polystyrene foam products)
327113 Porcelain Electrical Supply Manufacturing 3264 Porcelain Electrical Supplies
48831 Port and Harbor Operations 4491 Marine Cargo Handling (dock and pier operations)
48831 Port and Harbor Operations 4499 Water Transportation Services, NEC (lighthouse and canal operations)
52392 Portfolio Management 6282 Investment Advice (portfolio managers)
52392 Portfolio Management 6371 Pension, Health, and Welfare Funds (managers)
52392 Portfolio Management 6733 Trust, Except Educational, Religious, and Charitable (managers)
52392 Portfolio Management 6799 Investors, NEC (commodity contract pool operators)
491 Postal Service ---- (No conversion)
4911 Postal Service ---- (No conversion)
49111 Postal Service 4311 United States Postal Service
49111 Postal Service 7389 Business Services, NEC (post office contract stations)
115114 Postharvest Crop Activities (except Cotton Ginning) 0723 Crop Preparation Services For Market, Except Cotton Ginning (except custom grain grinding)
51219 Postproduction Services and Other Motion Picture and Video Industries ---- (No conversion)
212391 Potash, Soda, and Borate Mineral Mining 1474 Potash, Soda, and Borate Minerals
111211 Potato Farming 0134 Irish Potatoes
32711 Pottery, Ceramics, and Plumbing Fixture Manufacturing ---- (No conversion)
1123 Poultry and Egg Production ---- (No conversion)
42244 Poultry and Poultry Product Wholesalers 5144 Poultry and Poultry Products
11234 Poultry Hatcheries 0254 Poultry Hatcheries
311615 Poultry Processing 2015 Poultry Slaughtering and Processing (poultry processing)
332117 Powder Metallurgy Part Manufacturing 3499 Fabricated Metal Products, NEC (powder metallurgy)
23492 Power and Communication Transmission Line Construction 1623 Water, Sewer, Pipeline, and Communications and Power Line Construction (communications and power line construction)
23492 Power and Communication Transmission Line Construction 8741 Management Services (power and communication transmission line construction management)
33241 Power Boiler and Heat Exchanger Manufacturing 3443 Fabricated Plate Work (Boiler Shops) (power boilers and heat exchangers)
33241 Power Boiler and Heat Exchanger Manufacturing 3559 Special Industry Machinery, NEC (nuclear control drive mechanisms)
335311 Power, Distribution, and Specialty Transformer Manufacturing 3548 Electric and Gas Welding and Soldering Equipment (transformers for arc-welders)
335311 Power, Distribution, and Specialty Transformer Manufacturing 3612 Power, Distribution, and Speciality Transformers
333991 Power-Driven Handtool Manufacturing 3546 Power-Driven Handtools
332721 Precision Turned Product Manufacturing 3451 Screw Machine Products
332311 Prefabricated Metal Building and Component Manufacturing 3448 Prefabricated Metal Buildings and Components
321992 Prefabricated Wood Building Manufacturing 2452 Prefabricated Wood Buildings and Components
323122 Prepress Services 2791 Typesetting
323122 Prepress Services 2796 Platemaking and Related Services
334612 Prerecorded Compact Disc (except Software), Tape, and Record Reproducing 3652 Phonograph Records and Prerecorded Audio Tapes and Disks (reproduction of all other media except video)
334612 Prerecorded Compact Disc (except Software), Tape, and Record Reproducing 7819 Services Allied to Motion Picture Production (reproduction of video)
45122 Prerecorded Tape, Compact Disc, and Record Stores 5735 Record and Prerecorded Tape Stores
331312 Primary Aluminum Production 3334 Primary Production of Aluminum
335912 Primary Battery Manufacturing 3692 Primary Batteries, Dry and Wet
331 Primary Metal Manufacturing ---- (No conversion)
331411 Primary Smelting and Refining of Copper 3331 Primary Smelting and Refining of Copper
331419 Primary Smelting and Refining of Nonferrous Metal (except Copper and Aluminum) 3339 Primary Smelting and Refining of Nonferrous Metals, Except Copper and Aluminum
334418 Printed Circuit Assembly (Electronic Assembly) Manufacturing 3577 Computer Peripheral Equipment, NEC (plotter controllers)
334418 Printed Circuit Assembly (Electronic Assembly) Manufacturing 3661 Telephone and Telegraph Apparatus (consumer external modems)
334418 Printed Circuit Assembly (Electronic Assembly) Manufacturing 3679 Electronic Components, NEC (printed circuit/electronic assembly manufacturing)
32311 Printing ---- (No conversion)
323 Printing and Related Support Activities ---- (No conversion)
3231 Printing and Related Support Activities ---- (No conversion)
42211 Printing and Writing Paper Wholesalers 5111 Printing and Writing Paper
32591 Printing Ink Manufacturing 2893 Printing Ink
333293 Printing Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing 3555 Printing Trades Machinery and Equipment
814 Private Households ---- (No conversion)
8141 Private Households ---- (No conversion)
81411 Private Households 8811 Private Households
561431 Private Mail Centers 7389 Business Services, NEC (private mail centers and mailbox rental)
541614 Process, Physical Distribution, and Logistics Consulting Services 4731 Arrangement of Transportation of Freight and Cargo (freight rate-auditors and tariff consulting)
541614 Process, Physical Distribution, and Logistics Consulting Services 8742 Management Consulting Services (manufacturing management, physical distribution, and site location consulting)
4214 Professional and Commercial Equipment and Supplies Wholesalers ---- (No conversion)
61143 Professional and Management Development Training 8299 Schools and Educational Services, NEC (professional and management development training)
81392 Professional Organizations 8621 Professional Membership Organizations
54 Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services ---- (No conversion)
541 Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services ---- (No conversion)
7113 Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports, and Similar Events ---- (No conversion)
71131 Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports, and Similar Events with Facilities 6512 Operators of Nonresidential Buildings (stadium and arena owners)
71131 Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports, and Similar Events with Facilities 7922 Theatrical Producers (Except Motion Picture) and Miscellaneous Theatrical Services (theater operators)
71131 Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports, and Similar Events with Facilities 7941 Professional Sports Clubs and Promoters (stadium operators)
71131 Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports, and Similar Events with Facilities 7999 Amusement and Recreation Services, NEC (state fairs, agriculture fairs and county fairs with facilities)
71132 Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports, and Similar Events without Facilities 7922 Theatrical Producers (Except Motion Picture) and Miscellaneous Theatrical Services (theatrical promoters)
71132 Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports, and Similar Events without Facilities 7941 Professional Sports Clubs and Promoters (sports promoters)
71132 Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports, and Similar Events without Facilities 7999 Amusement and Recreation Services, NEC (state fairs, agriculture fairs and county fairs without facilities)
6222 Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Hospitals ---- (No conversion)
62221 Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Hospitals 8063 Psychiatric Hospitals
62221 Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Hospitals 8069 Specialty Hospitals, Except Psychiatric (substance abuse hospitals)
92 Public Administration ---- (No conversion)
92113 Public Finance Activities 9311 Public Finance, Taxation, and Monetary Policy
54182 Public Relations Agencies 8743 Public Relations Services
511 Publishing Industries ---- (No conversion)
32211 Pulp Mills 2611 Pulp Mills (pulp producing mills only)
3221 Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Mills ---- (No conversion)
33391 Pump and Compressor Manufacturing ---- (No conversion)
333911 Pump and Pumping Equipment Manufacturing 3561 Pumps and Pumping Equipment
333911 Pump and Pumping Equipment Manufacturing 3743 Railroad Equipment (locomotive fuel lubricating or cooling medium pumps)

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