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			ABEX - 

An ACCESS. Advanced Customers Connections, an Evolutionary Systems Strategy, a RACE project. Acronym: ABEX Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: ABEX - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: ABEX - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: ABEX - international | trade |
Web Search Wizard: ABEX - international | trade |

Dependence Threshold -

The level above which the export earnings from exports to the EC of a signatory of the Lomé Convention must be for it to be eligible, given specified adverse economic conditions, for compensation through theSystem of Stabilization of Export Earnings (STABEX). Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: Dependence Threshold - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Dependence Threshold - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Dependence Threshold - international | trade |
Web Search Wizard: Dependence Threshold - international | trade |


See System of Stabilization of Export Earnings. Acronym: STABEX Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: STABEX - international | trade | System of Stabilization of Export Earnings |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: STABEX - international | trade | System of Stabilization of Export Earnings |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: STABEX - international | trade | System of Stabilization of Export Earnings |
Web Search Wizard: STABEX - international | trade | System of Stabilization of Export Earnings |

System of Stabilization of Export Earnings -

A programme of financial assistance to Lomé Convention countries reliant upon one or a few basic commodities where their export earnings to the EC have been severely and adversely affected by world market conditions. Acronym: STABEX Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: System of Stabilization of Export Earnings - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: System of Stabilization of Export Earnings - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: System of Stabilization of Export Earnings - international | trade |
Web Search Wizard: System of Stabilization of Export Earnings - international | trade |

Trigger Threshold -

The extent to which the value of average export earnings to the EC must have fallen over a four-year period for a developing country to benefit from the System of Stabilization of Export Earnings (STABEX). Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: Trigger Threshold - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Trigger Threshold - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Trigger Threshold - international | trade |
Web Search Wizard: Trigger Threshold - international | trade |

Search History: [ ABEX ]

Unless otherwise indicated, all entries in the LogisticsWorld Logistics Glossary are copyright 1997, Matthew D. Cox,


WWW Virtual Library of Logistics
Ver 4, Sep, 1999, Matthew D. Cox,
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