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			Consigner - 

One who places something such as goods and merchandise in the care of another.
Related Terms: Consigner - bill of lading | consign | consignee | consigned | consignment | consignor | goods | merchandise |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Consigner - bill of lading | consign | consignee | consigned | consignment | consignor | goods | merchandise |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Consigner - bill of lading | consign | consignee | consigned | consignment | consignor | goods | merchandise |
Web Search Wizard: Consigner - bill of lading | consign | consignee | consigned | consignment | consignor | goods | merchandise |

Consignor -

One who places something such as goods and merchandise in the care of another.
Related Terms: Consignor - bill of lading | consign | consignee | consigned | consigner | consignment | goods | merchandise |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Consignor - bill of lading | consign | consignee | consigned | consigner | consignment | goods | merchandise |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Consignor - bill of lading | consign | consignee | consigned | consigner | consignment | goods | merchandise |
Web Search Wizard: Consignor - bill of lading | consign | consignee | consigned | consigner | consignment | goods | merchandise |

Durables -

Merchandise, commodities, or supplies for sale to consumers.
Related Terms: Durables - commodity | consumer | goods | merchandise | supplies |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Durables - commodity | consumer | goods | merchandise | supplies |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Durables - commodity | consumer | goods | merchandise | supplies |
Web Search Wizard: Durables - commodity | consumer | goods | merchandise | supplies |

Goods -

Products, merchandise, commodities, supplies, raw materials, property, stock, inventory, liquids, chemicals, wares, perishables; items of commerce; dry goods, capital goods, consumer goods, perishable goods, canned goods, liquid goods.
Related Terms: Goods - durables | inventory | merchandise | products | retail | wholesale |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Goods - durables | inventory | merchandise | products | retail | wholesale |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Goods - durables | inventory | merchandise | products | retail | wholesale |
Web Search Wizard: Goods - durables | inventory | merchandise | products | retail | wholesale |

Merchandise -

Goods and products for sale.
Related Terms: Merchandise - goods | inventory | products | retail | wholesale |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Merchandise - goods | inventory | products | retail | wholesale |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Merchandise - goods | inventory | products | retail | wholesale |
Web Search Wizard: Merchandise - goods | inventory | products | retail | wholesale |

Pilferage -

The theft in small amounts of goods, merchandise, or inventory.
Related Terms: Pilferage - goods | insurance | inventory | merchandise | risk | security |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Pilferage - goods | insurance | inventory | merchandise | risk | security |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Pilferage - goods | insurance | inventory | merchandise | risk | security |
Web Search Wizard: Pilferage - goods | insurance | inventory | merchandise | risk | security |

Warehouse -

A facility for the storage and security of goods and merchandise.
Related Terms: Warehouse - facility | goods | merchandise | storage |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Warehouse - facility | goods | merchandise | storage |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Warehouse - facility | goods | merchandise | storage |
Web Search Wizard: Warehouse - facility | goods | merchandise | storage |

Warehousing -

The act of storing, securing and managing raw materials, goods or merchandise in a warehouse.
Related Terms: Warehousing - goods | merchandise | raw materials | security | storage | warehouse |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Warehousing - goods | merchandise | raw materials | security | storage | warehouse |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Warehousing - goods | merchandise | raw materials | security | storage | warehouse |
Web Search Wizard: Warehousing - goods | merchandise | raw materials | security | storage | warehouse |

Wares -

Products or merchandise for sale.
Related Terms: Wares - merchandise | products |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Wares - merchandise | products |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Wares - merchandise | products |
Web Search Wizard: Wares - merchandise | products |

Search History: [ Dependence Threshold ][ Merchandise ]

Unless otherwise indicated, all entries in the LogisticsWorld Logistics Glossary are copyright 1997, Matthew D. Cox,


WWW Virtual Library of Logistics
Ver 4, Sep, 1999, Matthew D. Cox,
Sponsored by LogisticsWorld.
Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 MDC, All rights reserved.