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			American National Standards Institute (1) - 

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is a privately funded, non-profit organization which coordinates the development of voluntary standards in the United States and is the agency that approves standards (as American National Standards). It coordinates and manages U.S. participation in the work of several non-governmental international standards organizations, Acronym: ANSI Reference: ECRC University of Scranton / Defense Logistics Agency Fairfax CALS Shared Resource Center, 1994
Related Terms: American National Standards Institute (1) - industry | specification | standard | technology |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: American National Standards Institute (1) - industry | specification | standard | technology |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: American National Standards Institute (1) - industry | specification | standard | technology |
Web Search Wizard: American National Standards Institute (1) - industry | specification | standard | technology |

Search History: [ levels of maintenance ][ american national standards institute ]

Unless otherwise indicated, all entries in the LogisticsWorld Logistics Glossary are copyright 1997, Matthew D. Cox,


WWW Virtual Library of Logistics
Ver 4, Sep, 1999, Matthew D. Cox,
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