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			Acceptance Testing - 

The testing performed by a user to determine that an automated system (equipment or software) for a specific task or environment, e.g., a translator for a specific application and interchange format, performs according to specification. Acronym: AT Reference: ECRC University of Scranton / Defense Logistics Agency Fairfax CALS Shared Resource Center, 1994
Related Terms: Acceptance Testing - acquisition | hardware | manufacturing | software | specification | technology |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Acceptance Testing - acquisition | hardware | manufacturing | software | specification | technology |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Acceptance Testing - acquisition | hardware | manufacturing | software | specification | technology |
Web Search Wizard: Acceptance Testing - acquisition | hardware | manufacturing | software | specification | technology |


Advanced Informatics in Medicine, a 1988 research programme on the development and application of information technology and telecommunications to medicine and health care for both medical practitioners and manufacturers of medical products and equipment. Acronym: AIM Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: AIM - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: AIM - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: AIM - international | trade |
Web Search Wizard: AIM - international | trade |


Application of Neutral Networks for Industry in Europe, an ESPRIT project. Acronym: ANNIE Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: ANNIE - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: ANNIE - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: ANNIE - international | trade |
Web Search Wizard: ANNIE - international | trade |

Application Profile -

A number of application protocols required for a specified task or industry sector. [Associated with STEP] Trade and Industry, United Kingdom. "Open Systems in Manufacturing". Reference: ECRC University of Scranton / Defense Logistics Agency
Related Terms: Application Profile - application | application protocol | industry | standard for the exchange of product model data | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Application Profile - application | application protocol | industry | standard for the exchange of product model data | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Application Profile - application | application protocol | industry | standard for the exchange of product model data | trade |
Web Search Wizard: Application Profile - application | application protocol | industry | standard for the exchange of product model data | trade |

Application Protocol -

Defines the context for the use of product data and specifies the use of the standard in that context to satisfy an industrial need. [Associated with STEP] , United States Government. "Military Standard 1840-B" 3 November 1992. Acronym: AP Reference: ECRC University of Scranton / Defense Logistics Agency
Related Terms: Application Protocol - application | application profile | data | industry | military | standard for the exchange of product model data | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Application Protocol - application | application profile | data | industry | military | standard for the exchange of product model data | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Application Protocol - application | application profile | data | industry | military | standard for the exchange of product model data | trade |
Web Search Wizard: Application Protocol - application | application profile | data | industry | military | standard for the exchange of product model data | trade |


The statement isued by the Commission on the acceptability of a formal application by a state for EC membership. Acronym: AVIS Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: AVIS - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: AVIS - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: AVIS - international | trade |
Web Search Wizard: AVIS - international | trade |

Biotechnology Action Programme -

Established in 1985 as a successor to the 1982 Biomolecular Engineering Programme (BEP) and intended to sponsor developments that could have an economic and industrial application. Concluded in 1989, but its objectives were included in the 1990 BRIDGE programme. Acronym: BAP Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: Biotechnology Action Programme - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Biotechnology Action Programme - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Biotechnology Action Programme - international | trade |
Web Search Wizard: Biotechnology Action Programme - international | trade |

Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support -

CALS is a global strategy to further enterprise integration through the streamlining of business processes and the application of standards and technologies for the development, management, exchange, and use of business and technical information. Now called Continuous Acquisition and Life-cycle Support. Acronym: CALS Reference: ECRC University of Scranton / Defense Logistics Agency
Related Terms: Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support - acquisition | business | continuous acquisition and life-cycle support | life cycle | logistics | process | standard | support |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support - acquisition | business | continuous acquisition and life-cycle support | life cycle | logistics | process | standard | support |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support - acquisition | business | continuous acquisition and life-cycle support | life cycle | logistics | process | standard | support |
Web Search Wizard: Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support - acquisition | business | continuous acquisition and life-cycle support | life cycle | logistics | process | standard | support |

Computer-Aided Design (1) -

The application of information technology to elements of the design process for manufactured, assembled, and constructed products, covering both drafting applications (in the creation, modification, storage, and production of engineering and other technical drawings) and modeling (the generation and use of full three-dimensional models). Acronym: CAD Reference: ECRC University of Scranton / Defense Logistics Agency Included with permission from Joan Smith, "An Introduction to CALS: The Strategy and the Standards", 1990
Related Terms: Computer-Aided Design (1) - computer | design | engineering | manufacturing | technology |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Computer-Aided Design (1) - computer | design | engineering | manufacturing | technology |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Computer-Aided Design (1) - computer | design | engineering | manufacturing | technology |
Web Search Wizard: Computer-Aided Design (1) - computer | design | engineering | manufacturing | technology |

Computer-Aided Engineering -

The application of information technology to elements of the design and engineering process. It includes all types of performance systems, e.g., heat transfer, structural, electromagnetic, aeronautics, and acoustic analysis. Acronym: CAE Reference: ECRC University of Scranton / Defense Logistics Agency Fairfax CALS Shared Resource Center, 1994
Related Terms: Computer-Aided Engineering - computer | design | manufacturing | technology |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Computer-Aided Engineering - computer | design | manufacturing | technology |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Computer-Aided Engineering - computer | design | manufacturing | technology |
Web Search Wizard: Computer-Aided Engineering - computer | design | manufacturing | technology |

Computer-Aided Manufacturing (1) -

The application of information technology to the control and management of manufacturing processes, normally restricted to the control of machine tools such as lathes and mills, where the tool is directly controlled by a computer. Acronym: CAM Reference: ECRC University of Scranton / Defense Logistics Agency Included with permission from Joan Smith, "An Introduction to CALS: The Strategy and the Standards", 1990
Related Terms: Computer-Aided Manufacturing (1) - computer | design | engineering | manufacturing | technology |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Computer-Aided Manufacturing (1) - computer | design | engineering | manufacturing | technology |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Computer-Aided Manufacturing (1) - computer | design | engineering | manufacturing | technology |
Web Search Wizard: Computer-Aided Manufacturing (1) - computer | design | engineering | manufacturing | technology |

Computer-Aided Software Engineering -

CASE is an umbrella term for a collection of tools and techniques which are said by their distributors to promise revolutionary gains in analyst and programmer productivity. The two prominent delivered technologies are application generators and PC-based workstations that provide graphics-oriented automation of the front end of the development Acronym: CASE Reference: ECRC University of Scranton / Defense Logistics Agency Included with permission from: Gartner Group "Information Technology Glossary" Executive Reference 1993
Related Terms: Computer-Aided Software Engineering - computer | design | engineering | program | software |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Computer-Aided Software Engineering - computer | design | engineering | program | software |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Computer-Aided Software Engineering - computer | design | engineering | program | software |
Web Search Wizard: Computer-Aided Software Engineering - computer | design | engineering | program | software |

Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (1) -

The application of information technology to the management of complete systems or subsystems within a manufacturing environment, characterized by the integration of many separate applications such as CAD, CAM, CAE, and robotics together with commercial applications such as stock control, spares ordering, and process planning. Acronym: CIM Reference: ECRC University of Scranton / Defense Logistics Agency Included with permission from Joan Smith, "An Introduction to CALS: The Strategy and the Standards", 1990
Related Terms: Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (1) - computer | computer-aided design | integration | management | manufacturing | technology |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (1) - computer | computer-aided design | integration | management | manufacturing | technology |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (1) - computer | computer-aided design | integration | management | manufacturing | technology |
Web Search Wizard: Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (1) - computer | computer-aided design | integration | management | manufacturing | technology |

Continuous Acquisition and Life-Cycle Support -

CALS is a global strategy to further enterprise integration through the streamlining of business processes and the application of standards and technologies for the development, management, exchange, and use of business and technical information. Formerly Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support. Acronym: CALS Reference: ECRC University of Scranton / Defense Logistics Agency
Related Terms: Continuous Acquisition and Life-Cycle Support - acquisition | computer-aided acquisition and logistic support | business | life cycle | logistics | process | standard | support |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Continuous Acquisition and Life-Cycle Support - acquisition | computer-aided acquisition and logistic support | business | life cycle | logistics | process | standard | support |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Continuous Acquisition and Life-Cycle Support - acquisition | computer-aided acquisition and logistic support | business | life cycle | logistics | process | standard | support |
Web Search Wizard: Continuous Acquisition and Life-Cycle Support - acquisition | computer-aided acquisition and logistic support | business | life cycle | logistics | process | standard | support |

Data Dictionary -

A repository of information about data, such as its meaning, relationships to other data, origin, usage and format. The dictionary assists company management, database administrators, systems analysts and application programmers in effectively planning, controlling and evaluating the collection, storage and use of data. A data dictionary manages data categories Acronym: DD Reference: ECRC University of Scranton / Defense Logistics Agency Included with permission from: Gartner Group "Information Technology Glossary" Executive Reference 1993}
Related Terms: Data Dictionary - data | data base | information management | management | software | system |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Data Dictionary - data | data base | information management | management | software | system |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Data Dictionary - data | data base | information management | management | software | system |
Web Search Wizard: Data Dictionary - data | data base | information management | management | software | system |


Developing European Learning through Technological Advance, a 1988 initiative in research and development policy on the application of information technology to infrastructures for advanced learning. Acronym: DELTA Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: DELTA - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: DELTA - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: DELTA - international | trade |
Web Search Wizard: DELTA - international | trade |

Demountable Rim -

Multi-piece steel wheel rim assembly which is bolted to a spoke hub. Demountable rims are still in use, though they have been replaced in many applications by the simpler disc wheel. Reference: Truck Writers of North America (TWNA)
Related Terms: Demountable Rim - budd wheel | cast spoke wheel | disc wheel | trucking |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Demountable Rim - budd wheel | cast spoke wheel | disc wheel | trucking |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Demountable Rim - budd wheel | cast spoke wheel | disc wheel | trucking |
Web Search Wizard: Demountable Rim - budd wheel | cast spoke wheel | disc wheel | trucking |


Development of Integrated Monetary Electronics, an initiative on the application of information technology and telecommunications to monetary electronics for both manufacturers and users. Acronym: DIME Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: DIME - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: DIME - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: DIME - international | trade |
Web Search Wizard: DIME - international | trade |

Discrimination -

The application of restrictive trade practices by one Member State against the goods and companies of other Member States. Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: Discrimination - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Discrimination - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Discrimination - international | trade |
Web Search Wizard: Discrimination - international | trade |

Enterprise Resource Planning -

ERP represents the next generation of manufacturing resource planning (MRP II) software. ERP's usefulness and power lies beyond the present function boundaries of MRP II. Beyond the standard functionality that is offered, other features are included, e.g., quality process operations management, and regulatory reporting. In addition the base technology Acronym: ERP Reference: ECRC University of Scranton / Defense Logistics Agency Included with permission from: Gartner Group "Information Technology Glossary" Executive Reference, 1993
Related Terms: Enterprise Resource Planning - capacity requirements planning | enterprise | management | manufacturing | material requirements planning | planning | resource |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Enterprise Resource Planning - capacity requirements planning | enterprise | management | manufacturing | material requirements planning | planning | resource |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Enterprise Resource Planning - capacity requirements planning | enterprise | management | manufacturing | material requirements planning | planning | resource |
Web Search Wizard: Enterprise Resource Planning - capacity requirements planning | enterprise | management | manufacturing | material requirements planning | planning | resource |

Government Technical Information Systems -

The collection of automated data processing systems and applications used by government agencies and offices to enter, update, manage, retrieve, and distribute technical data from a specific Integrated Weapon System Data Base. Acronym: GTIS Reference: ECRC University of Scranton / Defense Logistics Agency Department of Defense, United States Government "Military Handbook 59-B", 1993
Related Terms: Government Technical Information Systems - data | data base | data processing | government | system |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Government Technical Information Systems - data | data base | data processing | government | system |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Government Technical Information Systems - data | data base | data processing | government | system |
Web Search Wizard: Government Technical Information Systems - data | data base | data processing | government | system |

Initial Graphics Exchange Standard -

A neutral file format for the representation and transfer of product definition data among CAD/CAM systems and application programs. Acronym: IGES Reference: ECRC University of Scranton / Defense Logistics Agency
Related Terms: Initial Graphics Exchange Standard - computer-aided design | computer-aided manufacturing | graphics standard | standard | system |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Initial Graphics Exchange Standard - computer-aided design | computer-aided manufacturing | graphics standard | standard | system |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Initial Graphics Exchange Standard - computer-aided design | computer-aided manufacturing | graphics standard | standard | system |
Web Search Wizard: Initial Graphics Exchange Standard - computer-aided design | computer-aided manufacturing | graphics standard | standard | system |

Integration -

Can be described as consisting of three main components: physical integration, the connection of the hardware; data integration, the ready exchange of data between applications without loss of functionality; and lastly business integration, the integration of the functions needed to support decisions, monitor and control business. Reference: ECRC University of Scranton / Defense Logistics Agency Source: Department of Trade and Industry, United Kingdom "Open Systems in Manufacturing"
Related Terms: Integration - acquisition | data | design | distribution | engineering | inventory | logistics | management | manufacturing | operations management | production | system | systems management | warehousing |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Integration - acquisition | data | design | distribution | engineering | inventory | logistics | management | manufacturing | operations management | production | system | systems management | warehousing |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Integration - acquisition | data | design | distribution | engineering | inventory | logistics | management | manufacturing | operations management | production | system | systems management | warehousing |
Web Search Wizard: Integration - acquisition | data | design | distribution | engineering | inventory | logistics | management | manufacturing | operations management | production | system | systems management | warehousing |


A 1993 initiative on the application of telematics technology to public access to audio archives. Acronym: JUKE-BOX Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: JUKE-BOX - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: JUKE-BOX - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: JUKE-BOX - international | trade |
Web Search Wizard: JUKE-BOX - international | trade |

Less Than Truckload (1) -

A quantity of freight less than that required for the application of a truckload (TL) rate; usually less than 10,000 pounds. Acronym: LTL Reference: Truck Writers of North America (TWNA)
Related Terms: Less Than Truckload (1) - trucking | truckload |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Less Than Truckload (1) - trucking | truckload |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Less Than Truckload (1) - trucking | truckload |
Web Search Wizard: Less Than Truckload (1) - trucking | truckload |

Management Committees -

Agencies within the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), one for each product, which advise the Commission on a uniform application of EC legislation and on fixing levels of export refunds and import levies. Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: Management Committees - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Management Committees - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Management Committees - international | trade |
Web Search Wizard: Management Committees - international | trade |


Marine Industry Application of Broadband Communications, a RACE project. Acronym: MARIN Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: MARIN - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: MARIN - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: MARIN - international | trade |
Web Search Wizard: MARIN - international | trade |


Monolithic Integrated Optics for Customer Access Applications, a RACE project. Acronym: MIOCA Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: MIOCA - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: MIOCA - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: MIOCA - international | trade |
Web Search Wizard: MIOCA - international | trade |

Mosaic -

Windows-like product for exploring the Internet that is available free in Cyberspace, CompuServe, America On-line, and many bulletin boards. Mosaic was developed by the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at University of Illinois and was funded with tax dollars. Reference: ECRC University of Scranton / Defense Logistics Agency
Related Terms: Mosaic - document | file | hypertext | internet | software | world wide web |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Mosaic - document | file | hypertext | internet | software | world wide web |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Mosaic - document | file | hypertext | internet | software | world wide web |
Web Search Wizard: Mosaic - document | file | hypertext | internet | software | world wide web |

Multimedia -

Used essentially to define applications and technologies that manipulate text, data, images and voice full motion video objects. Typically associated with PCs, but increasingly associated with networked-based applications. Reference: ECRC University of Scranton / Defense Logistics Agency Included with permission from: Gartner Group "Information Technology Glossary" Executive Reference, 1993
Related Terms: Multimedia - computer | design | education | file | hardware | information management | marketing | network | premo | software | telecommunications |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Multimedia - computer | design | education | file | hardware | information management | marketing | network | premo | software | telecommunications |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Multimedia - computer | design | education | file | hardware | information management | marketing | network | premo | software | telecommunications |
Web Search Wizard: Multimedia - computer | design | education | file | hardware | information management | marketing | network | premo | software | telecommunications |

National Research and Education Network -

The High-Performance Computing and Communications Act of 1991 (sponsored by Vice-President Gore) was a bill that created the NREN. NREN will use the Internet to provide information resource connection not only to universities, research centers and government agencies, but also to secondary and elementary schools. The bill provides $2.9 Acronym: NREN Reference: ECRC University of Scranton / Defense Logistics Agency
Related Terms: National Research and Education Network - education | government | internet | network | research | world wide web |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: National Research and Education Network - education | government | internet | network | research | world wide web |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: National Research and Education Network - education | government | internet | network | research | world wide web |
Web Search Wizard: National Research and Education Network - education | government | internet | network | research | world wide web |

Portable Operating System Interface -

This standard defines a C programming language source interface to an operating system environment. This standard is used by computing professionals involved in system and application software development and implementation. [TBITS 7.1.] Government also endorses POSIX, i.e. TBITS 7.1.] Acronym: POSIX Reference: ECRC University of Scranton / Defense Logistics Agency
Related Terms: Portable Operating System Interface - computer | exchange | interface | software | system |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Portable Operating System Interface - computer | exchange | interface | software | system |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Portable Operating System Interface - computer | exchange | interface | software | system |
Web Search Wizard: Portable Operating System Interface - computer | exchange | interface | software | system |


A proposed international standard that specifies techniques for creating audiovisual interactive applications that recognize and emphasize the interrelationships among user interfaces, multimedia applications, and multimedia information interchange. PREMO includes interfaces for external storage, retrieval, and interchange of multimedia objects. The objective of PREMO is to consider the needs of Reference: ECRC University of Scranton / Defense Logistics Agency Included with permission from: National Security Industrial Association "CALS Expo '93, Proceedings and Reference"
Related Terms: PREMO - graphics standard | interface | international | multimedia | standard |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: PREMO - graphics standard | interface | international | multimedia | standard |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: PREMO - graphics standard | interface | international | multimedia | standard |
Web Search Wizard: PREMO - graphics standard | interface | international | multimedia | standard |

Processable Data Document -

Technical data in digital source form that is either organized and formatted so that an automated data processing system can further structure or restructure the data in a variety of ways, or is compatible for direct processing by an automated design, engineering, or logistic support system. Processable data can Reference: ECRC University of Scranton / Defense Logistics Agency Department of Defense, United States Government "Military Handbook 59-A" 1993
Related Terms: Processable Data Document - data | data base | document | file | technical data | technical manual |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Processable Data Document - data | data base | document | file | technical data | technical manual |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Processable Data Document - data | data base | document | file | technical data | technical manual |
Web Search Wizard: Processable Data Document - data | data base | document | file | technical data | technical manual |

Product Data Exchange Standard/Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data -

A set of standards under development for communicating a complete product model with sufficient information content that advanced CAD/CAM applications can interpret. PDES is under development as a national (U.S.) standard and STEP is under development as its international counterpart. Acronym: PDES/STEP Reference: ECRC University of Scranton / Defense Logistics Agency Fairfax CALS Shared Resource Center, 1994
Related Terms: Product Data Exchange Standard/Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data - communications | computer-aided design | computer-aided manufacturing | data | exchange | file | interchange | product | standard |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Product Data Exchange Standard/Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data - communications | computer-aided design | computer-aided manufacturing | data | exchange | file | interchange | product | standard |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Product Data Exchange Standard/Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data - communications | computer-aided design | computer-aided manufacturing | data | exchange | file | interchange | product | standard |
Web Search Wizard: Product Data Exchange Standard/Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data - communications | computer-aided design | computer-aided manufacturing | data | exchange | file | interchange | product | standard |

Random-Access Memory -

Thought of as temporary memory because when the computer is turned off, all data stored in RAM is lost. To run a computer software application, it must be loaded into RAM. All computer programs (software) have a minimum RAM requirement. Acronym: RAM Reference: ECRC University of Scranton / Defense Logistics Agency
Related Terms: Random-Access Memory - computer | hardware | media | read-only memory | software |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Random-Access Memory - computer | hardware | media | read-only memory | software |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Random-Access Memory - computer | hardware | media | read-only memory | software |
Web Search Wizard: Random-Access Memory - computer | hardware | media | read-only memory | software |

Rapid Response Manufacturing -

One of the major objectives of RRM is to create an engineering information environment that is accessible and useful for multiple engineering and manufacturing applications. Accepted robust standards for process and product data storage and exchange, which commercial vendors actively support, are a necessary ingredient of the infrastructure being Acronym: RRM Reference: ECRC University of Scranton / Defense Logistics Agency Included with permission from: National Security Industrial Association "CALS Expo '93, Proceedings and Reference"
Related Terms: Rapid Response Manufacturing - acquisition | logistics | manufacturing | parts | procurement | product | production | rapid acquisition of manufactured parts | standard | supply | support |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Rapid Response Manufacturing - acquisition | logistics | manufacturing | parts | procurement | product | production | rapid acquisition of manufactured parts | standard | supply | support |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Rapid Response Manufacturing - acquisition | logistics | manufacturing | parts | procurement | product | production | rapid acquisition of manufactured parts | standard | supply | support |
Web Search Wizard: Rapid Response Manufacturing - acquisition | logistics | manufacturing | parts | procurement | product | production | rapid acquisition of manufactured parts | standard | supply | support |

Remote Data Access -

A standard being developed to interconnect applications and databases. The standard originally attempted to cover any kind of data access and concerned itself only with effective dialogue management, but the complexity of so broad a scope has focused it more on Structured Query Language (SQL). An SQL specialization draft Acronym: RDA Reference: ECRC University of Scranton / Defense Logistics Agency Included with permission from: Gartner Group Adapted from: "Information Technology Glossary" Executive Reference, 1993
Related Terms: Remote Data Access - data | information | management | network | security |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Remote Data Access - data | information | management | network | security |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Remote Data Access - data | information | management | network | security |
Web Search Wizard: Remote Data Access - data | information | management | network | security |

Research and Development Policy -

A major EC policy concern, and the subject of several major research initiatives and programmes intended to facilitate the economic application of new technologies. Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: Research and Development Policy - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Research and Development Policy - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Research and Development Policy - international | trade |
Web Search Wizard: Research and Development Policy - international | trade |


Recycling of Waste Research and Development, a 1990 programme on the application of economically viable technologies. Acronym: REWARD Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: REWARD - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: REWARD - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: REWARD - international | trade |
Web Search Wizard: REWARD - international | trade |

Unix -

A family of operating systems known for its relative hardware independence and portable applications interface. Reference: ECRC University of Scranton / Defense Logistics Agency Included with permission from: Gartner Group Adapted from: "Information Technology Glossary" Executive Reference 1993
Related Terms: Unix - computer | software | system |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Unix - computer | software | system |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Unix - computer | software | system |
Web Search Wizard: Unix - computer | software | system |

Workflow Management -

A software application that controls the order and monitors the execution of a series of processes (worksteps) in which people act upon work items (documents, forms, folders and images). Reference: ECRC University of Scranton / Defense Logistics Agency Included with permission from: Gartner Group "Information Technology Glossary" Executive Reference 1993
Related Terms: Workflow Management - business | computer | design | engineering | industry | management | manufacturing | network | operations management | production | software | system | workflow |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Workflow Management - business | computer | design | engineering | industry | management | manufacturing | network | operations management | production | software | system | workflow |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Workflow Management - business | computer | design | engineering | industry | management | manufacturing | network | operations management | production | software | system | workflow |
Web Search Wizard: Workflow Management - business | computer | design | engineering | industry | management | manufacturing | network | operations management | production | software | system | workflow |

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Unless otherwise indicated, all entries in the LogisticsWorld Logistics Glossary are copyright 1997, Matthew D. Cox,


WWW Virtual Library of Logistics
Ver 4, Sep, 1999, Matthew D. Cox,
Sponsored by LogisticsWorld.
Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 MDC, All rights reserved.