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			ABEX - 

An ACCESS. Advanced Customers Connections, an Evolutionary Systems Strategy, a RACE project. Acronym: ABEX Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: ABEX - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: ABEX - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: ABEX - international | trade |
Web Search Wizard: ABEX - international | trade |

Association Agreements -

Originally agreements between the EC and European states which at the time had not rejected the future possibility of applying for EC membership. They involve reciprocal arrangements for imports and exports within a customs union. Agreements are supervised by an Association Council representing both parties. The similar agreements with Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: Association Agreements - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Association Agreements - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Association Agreements - international | trade |
Web Search Wizard: Association Agreements - international | trade |

Budget (1) -

Originally financed by contributions from the Member States, but after 1975 by a system of EC own resources, but these were not formally recognized until the Treaty on European Union. Budget revenue comes from several sources: levies on food imports into the EC; customs duties on non-agricultural imports; a Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: Budget (1) - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Budget (1) - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Budget (1) - international | trade |
Web Search Wizard: Budget (1) - international | trade |


Common Agricultural Customs Transmission of Information, part of CADDIA. Acronym: CACTI Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: CACTI - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: CACTI - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: CACTI - international | trade |
Web Search Wizard: CACTI - international | trade |


See Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight. Acronym: CHIEF Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: CHIEF - international | trade | Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: CHIEF - international | trade | Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: CHIEF - international | trade | Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight |
Web Search Wizard: CHIEF - international | trade | Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight |

Common External Tariff -

Essential to any customs union, and first introduced in the early 1960s as an average of the customs levies of the Member States. Acronym: CET Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: Common External Tariff - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Common External Tariff - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Common External Tariff - international | trade |
Web Search Wizard: Common External Tariff - international | trade |

Customs -

A duty or tax paid on imported or exported goods; the process of inspecting imported or exported goods to determine if and how much duty is required; or an agency that performs customs duties.
Related Terms: Customs - duty | export | import | international | tax |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Customs - duty | export | import | international | tax |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Customs - duty | export | import | international | tax |
Web Search Wizard: Customs - duty | export | import | international | tax |

Customs Duties -

Taxes collected by states upon imports to their territory. Abolished within the EC, they have been retained at EC external borders as a common external tariff (CET) and are regarded as EC own resources. Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: Customs Duties - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Customs Duties - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Customs Duties - international | trade |
Web Search Wizard: Customs Duties - international | trade |

Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight -

A computerized system for handling the tranport of freight into and across the EC, in operation in 1991. Acronym: CHIEF Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight - international | trade |
Web Search Wizard: Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight - international | trade |

Customs Union -

An economic structure whereby states agree to belong to a single tariff aream with no customs duties between them. The EC customs union was largely in place by 1968. Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: Customs Union - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Customs Union - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Customs Union - international | trade |
Web Search Wizard: Customs Union - international | trade |

Enterprise -

Is a collection of organizations and people formed to create and deliver product to customers. Reference: ECRC University of Scranton / Defense Logistics Agency Source: IDA (Institute for Defense Analysis)
Related Terms: Enterprise - business | company | customer | enterprise integration | enterprise resource planning | operation | organization | product | system |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Enterprise - business | company | customer | enterprise integration | enterprise resource planning | operation | organization | product | system |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Enterprise - business | company | customer | enterprise integration | enterprise resource planning | operation | organization | product | system |
Web Search Wizard: Enterprise - business | company | customer | enterprise integration | enterprise resource planning | operation | organization | product | system |

Free Trade -

Trade between nations without customs duties or tariffs.
Related Terms: Free Trade - customs | duty | export | foreign trade zone | free trade zone | free zone | goods | import | international | merchandise | port | tariff | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Free Trade - customs | duty | export | foreign trade zone | free trade zone | free zone | goods | import | international | merchandise | port | tariff | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Free Trade - customs | duty | export | foreign trade zone | free trade zone | free zone | goods | import | international | merchandise | port | tariff | trade |
Web Search Wizard: Free Trade - customs | duty | export | foreign trade zone | free trade zone | free zone | goods | import | international | merchandise | port | tariff | trade |

GALENO 2000 -

An GAM '92. Established in 1992 to promote cooperation between customs officials to combat illegal trade, especially in armaments, pornography and strategic goods. Acronym: GALENO 2000 Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: GALENO 2000 - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: GALENO 2000 - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: GALENO 2000 - international | trade |
Web Search Wizard: GALENO 2000 - international | trade |


Multi-Strategy Authoring Toolkit for Intelligent Courseware, a MATTHAEUS. A 1991 exchange programme for customs officials working on the operation of the internal market. Acronym: MATIC Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: MATIC - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: MATIC - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: MATIC - international | trade |
Web Search Wizard: MATIC - international | trade |


Monolithic Integrated Optics for Customer Access Applications, a RACE project. Acronym: MIOCA Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: MIOCA - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: MIOCA - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: MIOCA - international | trade |
Web Search Wizard: MIOCA - international | trade |

Own Resources -

The possession by the EC of financial resources which belong to them as of right, consisting of customs duties, levies on agricultural imports, and a proportion of the value-added tax (VAT) levied by the Member States. Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: Own Resources - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Own Resources - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Own Resources - international | trade |
Web Search Wizard: Own Resources - international | trade |

Preferential Trade Agreements -

Signed by the EC with other countries, and intended to lead, within a reasonable and specified period of time, to a customs union. Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: Preferential Trade Agreements - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Preferential Trade Agreements - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Preferential Trade Agreements - international | trade |
Web Search Wizard: Preferential Trade Agreements - international | trade |

Pro Forma Invoice -

An advanced-notice invoice used for customs requirements, or to provide shipment information to a buyer or reciever.
Related Terms: Pro Forma Invoice - customs | invoice | shipment |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Pro Forma Invoice - customs | invoice | shipment |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Pro Forma Invoice - customs | invoice | shipment |
Web Search Wizard: Pro Forma Invoice - customs | invoice | shipment |


System Customs Enforcement Network, a structure for the exchange of urgent information between national authorities on fraudulent evasion of customs and agricultural regulations, as well as on drug trafficking. Acronym: SCENT Reference: Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.,
Related Terms: SCENT - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: SCENT - international | trade |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: SCENT - international | trade |
Web Search Wizard: SCENT - international | trade |

Total Quality Management (1) -

Interfunctional approach to quality management, developed by Joseph Juran, involving marketing, engineering, manufacturing, purchasing, etc. Defects should be defined through examining customer expectations. The focus is on prevention, detection, and elimination of sources of defects. The Juran total quality management trilogy is quality control, quality planning, and quality projects. Acronym: TQM Reference: ECRC University of Scranton / Defense Logistics Agency
Related Terms: Total Quality Management (1) - customer | education | engineering | management | manufacturing | operations management | policy | quality |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Total Quality Management (1) - customer | education | engineering | management | manufacturing | operations management | policy | quality |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Total Quality Management (1) - customer | education | engineering | management | manufacturing | operations management | policy | quality |
Web Search Wizard: Total Quality Management (1) - customer | education | engineering | management | manufacturing | operations management | policy | quality |

Search History: [ commodity ][ customs ]

Unless otherwise indicated, all entries in the LogisticsWorld Logistics Glossary are copyright 1997, Matthew D. Cox,


WWW Virtual Library of Logistics
Ver 4, Sep, 1999, Matthew D. Cox,
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