Transportation and Logistics Industry Books and Publications
Logistics Reading List
- Alexander the Great and the Logistics of the Macedonian Army (Donald W. Engels, 1981)
- Army Experiences With Deployment Planning in Operation Desert Shield / MR-164-A / OSD (James P. Stucker, Iris M. Kameny, 1993)
- British Logistics on the Western Front: 1914-1919 (Ian Malcolm Brown, 1998)
- Business Logistics (Nicholas A., Jr. Glaskowsky, 1992)
- Business Logistics Management (Ronald H. Ballou, 1991)
- Business Logistics Management: Planning, Organizing, and Controlling the Supply Chain (Ronald H. Ballou, 1998)
- Business Logistics: Independent Study Manual (John J. Coyle, 1993)
- Civil War Logistics Fact Book (William P. Haiber, 1997)
- Combat Service Support Guide (John E. Edwards, 1993)
- Competing Through Supply Chain Management: Creating Market-Winning Strategies Through Supply Chain Partnerships (David Frederick Ross, 1997)
- Computer Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support (Robert Cheney, 1989)
- Computer Simulation in Logistics: With Visual Basic Application (Roy L. Nersesian, G. Boyd Swartz, 1996)
- Conflict over Convoys: Anglo-American Logistics Diplomacy in the Second World War (Kevin Smith, 1996)
- Contemporary Logistics (Donald F. Wood, et al, 1998)
- Contemporary Logistics (James C. Johnson, Donald F. Wood, 1996)
- Contemporary Physical Distribution and Logistics (James C. Johnson, Donald F. Wood, 1986)
- Customer-Centered Supply Chain Management: A Link-By-Link Guide (Fred A. Kuglin, 1998)
- Data Quality Problems in Army Logistics: Classification, Examples, and Solutions (Rand Report No. MR-721-A) (Lionel A. Galway, et al, 1996)
- Designing Innovations in Industrial Logistics Modelling (CRC Mathematical Modelling Series) (Andrew Kusiak (Editor), Maurizio Bielli (Editor), 1996)
- Development of Logistics Management Models for the Space Transportation System (M.J. Carrillo, 1984)
- Distribution: Planning and Control (Chapman & Hall Materials Management/Logistics Series) (David Frederick Ross, 1995)
- Economic Logistics: The Optimization of Spatial and Sectoral Resource, Production, and Distribution Systems (Sten Thore, 1991)
- Effective Pipeline Management: How to Manage Integrated Logistics (David Farmer, Rien Ploos Van Amstel, 1991)
- Electronic Data Interchange (EDI: Using Electronic Commerce to Enhance Defense Logistics) (Judith E. Payne, 1991)
- European Logistics: Markets, Management and Strategy (James Cooper, et al, 1994)
- Export Manager: Guide to Export Marketing and Management (Morris Ng, 1996)
- Feeding Mars: Logistics in Western Warfare from the Middle Ages to the Present (History and Warfare) (John A. Lynn (Editor), 1994)
- Financial & Quantitative Dimensions of Logistics (Philip A. Millard, 1992)
- Fleet Management and Logistics (Center for Research on Transportation 25th Anniversary Series, 1971-1996) (Teodor Gabriel Crainic (Editor), Gilbert Laporte (Editor), 1998)
- Focus Forecasting & DRP: Logistics Tools of the Twenty-First Century (Bernard T. Smith, 1994)
- Fundamentals of Logistics Management (The Irwin/McGraw-Hill Series in Marketing) (Douglas M. Lambert, et al, 1997)
- Global Cases in Logistics & Supply Chain Management (David H. Taylor (Editor), 1997)
- Global Operations and Logistics: Text and Cases (Ricardo Ernst, et al, 1998)
- Global Purchasing: Reaching for the World (VNR Materials Management/Logistics Series) (Victor H. Pooler, 1992)
- Goose Chase: Capturing the Energy of Change in Logistics (James A. Tompkins, Brenda Jernigan, 1997)
- Gulf Logistics: Blackadder's War (Martin White (Editor), 1995)
- History of the United States Military Logistics, 1935-1985: A Brief Review (Jerome G. Peppers, 1988)
- Improving DOD Logistics: Perspectives from Rand Research (DB-148-CRMAF Series) (Ken Girardini (Editor), et al, 1995)
- Improving Quality and Productivity in the Logistics Process: Achieving Customer Satisfaction Breakthroughs (Patrick M. Byrne, 1991)
- In the Age of the Real-Time Enterprise (Thomas G. Gunn, Thomas G. Bunn, 1995)
- Information Systems in Logistics and Transportation (Bernhard Tilanus (Editor), 1997)
- Integrated Logistics Support Handbook, Special Reprint Edition (James V. Jones, 1998)
- Integrated Logistics Support: The Design Engineering Link (Walter Finkelstein, J.A. Richard Guertin, 1989)
- International Logistics (Chapman & Hall Materials Management/Logistics) (Donald F. Wood, et al, 1994)
- Introduction to Supply Chain Management (Robert B. Handfield, Ernest Z. Nichols, 1998)
- Logistical Excellence (Don Bowers, et al, 1992)
- Logistics Engineering and Management (Prentice Hall International Series in Industrial and Systems Engineering) (Benjamin S. Blanchard, 1998)
- Logistics in the National Defense (Henry E. Eccles, Henry M. Wriston (Designer), 1981)
- Logistics: Principles and Applications (McGraw-Hill Logistics) (John W. Langford, 1994)
- Marketing Logistics (Marketing Series) (Martin Christopher, et al, 1997)
- Measure Up!: Yardsticks for Continuous Improvement (Richard L. Lynch, Kelvin F. Cross (Contributor), 1995)
- Moving Mountains: Lessons in Leadership and Logistics from the Gulf War (William G., Lt. General Pagonis, Jeffrey L. Cruikshank (Contributor), 1994)
- MRP II: Planning for Manufacturing Excellence (Chapman & Hall Materials Management/Logistics Series) (John W. Toomey, 1996)
- Power Purchasing: Supply Management in the 21st Century (Peter L., Jr Grieco, Carl R. Cooper, 1995)
- Practical Handbook of Warehousing (Chapman & Hall Materials Management/Logistics Series) (Kenneth B. Ackerman, 1997)
- Purchasing and Supply Management: Creating the Vision (Materials Management/Logistics Series) (Victor H. Pooler, David J. Pooler, 1997)
- Reinventing the Warehouse: World Class Distribution Logistics (Roy L. Harmon, 1993)
- Strategic Logistics Management (Irwin Series in Marketing) (Douglas M. Lambert, et al, 1992)
- Supercharging Supply Chains (Gene R. Tyndall (Editor), et al, 1998)
- Supply Chain Management: The Basics and Beyond (The St. Lucie Press/APICS Series on Resource Management) (William C. Copacino, 1997)
- Supply Chain Optimization: Building the Strongest Total Business Network (Charles C. Poirier, Stephen E. Reiter (Contributor), 1996)
- Supplying the Troops: General Somervell and American Logistics in WWII (John Kennedy Ohl, 1994)
- Supplying War: Logistics from Wallenstein to Patton (Martin L. Van Creveld, Martin L. Van Crevald, 1979)
- The Concept of Operations for a U.S. Army Combat-Oriented Logistics Execution System With Vision (Visibility of Support Options) (Robert S. Tripp, et al, 1990)
- The Economics of Industrial Location: A Logistics-Costs Approach (Advances in Spatial Science) (Philip McCann, 1998)
- The Gower Handbook of Logistics and Distribution Management (John Gattorna, et al, 1994)
- The ILS Manager's LSA Toolkit: Availability Engineering (Logistic) (Dick Biedenbender, et al, 1993)
- The Logic of Logistics: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications for Logistics Management (Springer Series in Operations Research) (Julien Bramel, David Simchi-Levi (Contributor), 1997)
- The Logistics Handbook (James F. Robeson (Preface), William C. Copacino (Editor), 1994)
- The Management of Business Logistics (John Joseph Coyle, et al, 1996)
- Using SAP R/3 FI: Beyond Business Process Reengineering (Ben W. Rockefeller, Benjamin W. Rockefeller, 1998)
- Value-Focused Supply Management: Getting the Most Out of the Supply Function (The NAPM Professional Development Series, Vol 3) (Alan R. Raedels, 1994)
- Warranties: Planning, Analysis, and Implementation (McGraw Hill Logistics) (James R. Brennan, 1994)
- Warrior's Wisdom: The Combat Guide to Corporate Life (Arthur L. Clark, 1997)
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