LogisticsWorld Advertising Profile
...a media kit profile of our Advertising Services, Customers, Visitors, and Demographics
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LogisticsWorld sites include: LogisticsWorld,
LogLink.com, LogLink.net, loggie.com, and supplychainsites.com.
Some of our Clients and Advertisers include:
Ryder - Logistics
DHL - Logistics
Bax Global - Logistics
Celarix - E-Logistics
Emery Worldwide - Logistics
FedEx - Logistics
Yellow Transportation - Logistics
Roadway - Logistics
Sprint - Communications
Lufthansa - Air Cargo
Emirates SkyCargo - Air Cargo
Microsoft - Business Solutions
Oracle - Enterprise Software Solutions
General Motors - Automobile Manufacturer
Thomas Cook - International Finance
Shell Oil Company - Petroleum
G-Log - E-Logistics and Software
Transportation.com - Transportation and Logistics
Pilot Freight Services - Domestic and International Freight
E.T. Transport - Transportation Services Canada
Road King Freight Logistics - Freight Broker Logistics Service
FreightCare - International Air Freight and Sea Freight
World-Link International Logistics - Freight Forwarding
Symbol Technologies - Warehouse Management Systems
Crowley Auto Transport - Automobile Transportation
CarShipping.com - Car Transport Services
Montway Auto Transport - Car Shipping
A-1 Auto Transport - Car Transport Services
uShip - Car Shipping
Universal Auto Transport - Automobile Transportation
CarTransport.co - Car Shipping
American Auto Shipping - Automobile Transportation
Knichel Logistics - Third-Party Logistics
Viking Logistics - Transportation, Warehousing, Fulfillment
Dependable Logistics Services - Supply Chain Solutions
ISO 9000 Compliance Consultants
Tompkins Associates - Supply Chain Consulting
A.T. Kearney - Supply Chain and Logistics Consultants
Thomas Register - Industry and Manufacturers Directory
E.J. Krause & Associates - Exhibition Management
Warehouse Jobs.com - Warehouse Jobs Board
New Age Security Systems Ltd - Security Systems
Ontario Classifieds - Classified Listings in Ontario Canada
Zoom Your World - Vacation Rentals, Bed and Breakfasts
Universe Tour Canada - Travel and Tourism
ISM - Software
Worldwide Business Research - Industry Conferences
Logicon - Industry Conference
World Trade Group - Industry Conferences
Joseph B. Hohenstein - Customhouse Brokers
SMi Group - Publishing
softtruck - Truck Loading Software
USADriveSafe, Inc. - Driver Training
findaport.net, Inc. - Seaport and Airport Locator System
WD Logistics - Domestic and International Shipping
WarehouseJobs.com - Warehousing Industry Online Job Board
StorageCapacity.Net - Warehousing
GetLoaded.com - Load Matching
Reliable Carriers - Motor Freight
K&R Weigh Systems - Onboard Weighing Systems
Business Logistics - Logistics Consultants
Butler & Associates - Logistics Software
Rivera Finance - Financing
Home Run, Inc. - Trucking
Alber Leland - PC Mapping Software
Tango Logistics - Logistics
RouteGuide - Nationwide Carrier Search
Grey Beard Associates - Logistics Process Improvement Consultants
African Road Network - Transport Network Africa
American Society of Transportation and Logistics - Professional Association
American Society of Naval Engineers - Professional Association
Mirce Akademy - Logistics Academy of System Operational Science
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, Extended Ed - Supply Chain Education Provider
The International Society of Logistics - Professional Logistics Association
Partners International - Non-profit Logistics Organization
The LogisticsWorld Audience
Our focused audience is the transportation and
logistics industry and those who use these types of services.
Types of Advertisements and Online Media
We can provide the following types of
- Random Graphic Banners
- Targeted Category Banners
- Keyword-Search Banners
- Text Ads
- Sidebar Ads
- Skyscrapers
- Splash and Feature Pages
- File Downloads
- Business Directory Listings
- News Releases
- Double-Click/Dart Script - Ready
We offer advertising packages for month-by-month
advertising, or can quote cpm rates for a desired campaign. (cpm rates vary
depending on the nature and duration of the campaign.)
Who Uses LogisitcsWorld?
From the direct marketing data available through
the LogisticsWorld website, regular users and visitors of LogisticsWorld include
the following:
- Transportation and Logistics Industry
- Students, Educators, Job Seekers
- U.S. and Foreign Government Agencies
- Marketing Research Agencies and Offices
- Warehousing and Distribution Industry
- Shipping and Maritime Industry
- Manufacturing and Production Industry
- Diverse Businesses
71% of the visitors are from transportation,
logistics, industrial, technical, and related categories.
29% of the visitors are from other diverse
businesses, organizations, or individuals.
Directory Distribution
The LogisticsWorld Directory can be accessed
worldwide via the internet. The directory contains listings from thousands of
cities in more than 100 countries.
Audience Description
The LogisticsWorld audience consists of
transportation and logistics industry professionals, and the manufacturing,
production, distribution, retailers, wholesalers, and businesses that use
transportaion and logistics services.
Some of the main groups of visitors include:
- Transportation and Logistics Industry
- Business (Diverse)
- U.S. and Foreign Government Agencies
- Manufacturing and Production Industry
- Warehousing and Distribution Industry
- Shipping and Maritime Industry
- Marketing Research Agencies and Offices
- Job Seekers
- Truckers
- Students
- Educators
Unique Advertising Benefits
Reach either of two industry groups:
- the transportation and logistics industry as a
whole, or target within the industry;
- the users of the services of the
transportation industry such as manufacturing, distribution, retail, or
Unique Advertising Opportunities
- Text Ads
- Random Ads
- Target Ads by Category
- Target Ads by Keywords
- News-Release Service (online service for
posting news releases)
- Software Download Service (offer software
- Feature Your Services (splash pages, sidebars,
online demos)
- Detailed Directory Listing
Monitoring your Ads and Campaign
Login to LogisticsWorld's proprietary advertising
system to check the status of you advertisements or campaign. View all banner
stats, targeted stats, and click-thrus. View detailed information on each
click-thru. Visit the customer-support website and online help.
LogisticsWorld provides advice and consulting
throughout each stage of your advertising campaign from setup, initial watch,
tracking, optimizing your banner creative, and adjusting your campaign for your
target audience.
Monthly Site Statistics
Advertisement Impressions: 138,000 page views per
Visitors: 42,000 (unique IPs) per month
Average Visit Length: 4 min
Average Number of Pages Viewed per Visit: 5
Annual Site Statistics
Advertisement Capacity: 1,800,000
advertisements/year (total capacity)
Unique Visitors: 545,000 / year
Gender: *
Male: 83%
Female: 17%
Average Age: 37
Average Income Range: not available
Marital Status:
Married: 83.3%
Single: 16.7%
Advertising Packages
We've assembled the following basic plans to meet
your particular needs and advertising budget.
Business Standard - $59.95 /month (2,000 - 4,000
page views)
- 1 Random Text Banner
- 1 Random Graphic Banner
Market Focus Plan - $139.95 /month (3,000 - 5,000
page views)
- 1 Random Text Banner
- 1 Random Graphic Banner
- 1 Targeted Directory Category Banner
Market Target Plan - $249.95 /month (5,000 -
15,000 page views)
- 1 Random Text Banner
- 1 Random Graphic Banner
- 2 Targeted Directory Category Banners
- 5 Keyword Targeted Search Banners
High Profile Network Advertising - $ call (25,000
page views or more per month)
- Industry-Targeted Advertisements
- Regional or Global Audiences
- Customized to Your Needs
All packages include the following:
- Free Directory Listing
- Free news release postings
- Hotlink to your email address and website
- Free Setup
The following discounts apply to the Business
Standard, Market Focus, and Market Target packages (Network Advertising pricing
is negotiated based on the particular profile you require):
- 3-month account - 10% discount
- 6-month account - 15% discount
- 12-month account - 20% discount
Available Payment Methods
- Check (company or cashier's check)
- Money Order or International Money Order
- Wire Transfer (you will be provided with our
bank details for wire transfers)
Note regarding the advertisement ranges quoted:
The lower number is the guaranteed minimum number of advertisements. The larger
number is the maximum number allowed for the particular package. You only pay
for the minimum, but may receive up to the maximum at no extra cost based upon
Ad Banner Creative Specifications
Main Banner (industry standard)
- 468w x 60h
- Static or Animated Banners (no loop
- .gif format
- 14 KB or less in size (preferably less than 9
Mini Banner
- 230w x 22h
- Static or Animated Banners
- .gif format
- 8 KB or less in size (preferably less than 4
In-Page Banner
- 125w x 125h
- Static or Animated Banners
- .gif format
- 6 KB or less in size
Sidebar Banner
- 100w x 90h
- Static or Animated Banners
- .gif format
- 5 KB or less in size
Sidebar Icon
- 100w x 38h
- Static or Animated Icon
- .gif format
- 3 KB or less in size
Skyscraper / Tower Ad
- 125w x 600h
- Static or Animated
- .gif format
- 32 KB or less in size
Half-Size Skyscraper
- 125w x 300h
- Static or Animated
- .gif format
- 18 KB or less in size
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