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NAICS / SIC Codes Lookup and Conversion Table

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541213 Tax Preparation Services 7291 Tax Return Preparation Services
4853 Taxi and Limousine Service ---- (No conversion)
48531 Taxi Service 4121 Taxicabs
48531 Taxi Service 4899 Communications Services, NEC (taxi cab dispatch services)
6115 Technical and Trade Schools ---- (No conversion)
61151 Technical and Trade Schools ---- (No conversion)
5133 Telecommunications ---- (No conversion)
51333 Telecommunications Resellers 4812 Radio Communications (paging and cellular resellers)
51333 Telecommunications Resellers 4813 Telephone Communications, Except Radiotelephone (wired resellers)
561422 Telemarketing Bureaus 7389 Business Services, NEC (telemarketing bureaus and telephone soliciting)
561421 Telephone Answering Services 7389 Business Services, NEC (telephone answering)
33421 Telephone Apparatus Manufacturing 3661 Telephone and Telegraph Apparatus (except consumer external modems)
56142 Telephone Call Centers ---- (No conversion)
512191 Teleproduction and Other Postproduction Services 7819 Services Allied to Motion Picture Production (teleproduction and postproduction services)
51312 Television Broadcasting 4833 Television Broadcasting Stations
56132 Temporary Help Services 7363 Help Supply Services (except employee leasing service)
624221 Temporary Shelters 8322 Individual and Family Social Services (temporary shelter)
54138 Testing Laboratories 8734 Testing Laboratories (except veterinary testing laboratories)
313312 Textile and Fabric Finishing (except Broadwoven Fabric) Mills 2231 Broadwoven Fabric Mills, Wool (wool finishing only, except broadwoven fabric)
313312 Textile and Fabric Finishing (except Broadwoven Fabric) Mills 2251 Women's Full-Length and Knee-Length Hosiery, Except Socks (dyeing and finishing only)
313312 Textile and Fabric Finishing (except Broadwoven Fabric) Mills 2252 Hosiery, NEC (dyeing and finishing only)
313312 Textile and Fabric Finishing (except Broadwoven Fabric) Mills 2253 Knit Outerwear Mills (dyeing and finishing only)
313312 Textile and Fabric Finishing (except Broadwoven Fabric) Mills 2254 Knit Underwear and Nightwear Mills (dyeing and finishing only)
313312 Textile and Fabric Finishing (except Broadwoven Fabric) Mills 2257 Weft Knit Fabric Mills (finishing)
313312 Textile and Fabric Finishing (except Broadwoven Fabric) Mills 2258 Lace and Warp Knit Fabric Mills (finishing)
313312 Textile and Fabric Finishing (except Broadwoven Fabric) Mills 2259 Knitting Mills, NEC (dyeing and finishing knit gloves and mittens)
313312 Textile and Fabric Finishing (except Broadwoven Fabric) Mills 2269 Finishers of Textiles, NEC
313312 Textile and Fabric Finishing (except Broadwoven Fabric) Mills 2284 Thread Mills (thread finishing)
313312 Textile and Fabric Finishing (except Broadwoven Fabric) Mills 2299 Textile Goods, NEC (finishing hard fiber thread and yarn)
313312 Textile and Fabric Finishing (except Broadwoven Fabric) Mills 5131 Piece Goods and Notions (converters, except broadwoven fabric)
3133 Textile and Fabric Finishing and Fabric Coating Mills ---- (No conversion)
31331 Textile and Fabric Finishing Mills ---- (No conversion)
31491 Textile Bag and Canvas Mills ---- (No conversion)
314911 Textile Bag Mills 2392 Housefurnishings, Except Curtains and Draperies (blanket, laundry, and garment storage bags)
314911 Textile Bag Mills 2393 Textile Bags
3141 Textile Furnishings Mills ---- (No conversion)
333292 Textile Machinery Manufacturing 3552 Textile Machinery
313 Textile Mills ---- (No conversion)
314 Textile Product Mills ---- (No conversion)
71111 Theater Companies and Dinner Theaters 5812 Eating Places (dinner theaters)
71111 Theater Companies and Dinner Theaters 7922 Theatrical Producers (Except Motion Pictures) and Miscellaneous Theatrical Services (theater companies, opera companies)
524292 Third Party Administration of Insurance and Pension Funds 6371 Pension, Health, and Welfare Funds (administrators)
524292 Third Party Administration of Insurance and Pension Funds 6411 Insurance Agents, Brokers, and Service (processors)
313113 Thread Mills 2284 Thread Mills (except finishing)
313113 Thread Mills 2299 Textile Goods, NEC (thread of hemp, linen, and ramie)
23543 Tile, Marble, Terrazzo, and Mosaic Contractors 1743 Terrazzo, Tile, Marble, and Mosaic Work (except fresco work)
1131 Timber Tract Operations ---- (No conversion)
11311 Timber Tract Operations 0811 Timber Tracts (long term timber farms)
42113 Tire and Tube Wholesalers 5014 Tires and Tubes (except tires sold via retail method)
314992 Tire Cord and Tire Fabric Mills 2296 Tire Cord and Fabrics
44132 Tire Dealers 5014 Tires and Tubes (Wholesale) (tires and tubes sold via retail method)
44132 Tire Dealers 5531 Auto and Home Supply Stores (tires and tubes)
32621 Tire Manufacturing ---- (No conversion)
326211 Tire Manufacturing (except Retreading) 3011 Tires and Inner Tubes
326212 Tire Retreading 7534 Tire Retreading and Repair Shops (rebuilding)
541191 Title Abstract and Settlement Offices 6541 Title Abstract Offices
42294 Tobacco and Tobacco Product Wholesalers 5194 Tobacco and Tobacco Products
11191 Tobacco Farming 0132 Tobacco
3122 Tobacco Manufacturing ---- (No conversion)
31222 Tobacco Product Manufacturing ---- (No conversion)
31221 Tobacco Stemming and Redrying 2141 Tobacco Stemming and Redrying (redrying and stemming)
453991 Tobacco Stores 5993 Tobacco Stores and Stands
32562 Toilet Preparation Manufacturing 2844 Perfumes, Cosmetics, and Other Toilet Preparations (except toothpaste)
31183 Tortilla Manufacturing 2099 Food Preparations, NEC (tortillas)
334514 Totalizing Fluid Meter and Counting Device Manufacturing 3824 Totalizing Fluid Meters and Counting Devices
334514 Totalizing Fluid Meter and Counting Device Manufacturing 3825 Instruments for Measuring and Testing of Electricity and Electrical Signals (automotive ammeters and voltmeters)
334514 Totalizing Fluid Meter and Counting Device Manufacturing 3829 Measuring and Controlling Devices, NEC (motor vehicle gauges)
56152 Tour Operators 4725 Tour Operators
42192 Toy and Hobby Goods and Supplies Wholesalers 5092 Toys and Hobby Goods and Supplies
323121 Tradebinding and Related Work 2789 Bookbinding and Related Work
485 Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation ---- (No conversion)
54193 Translation and Interpretation Services 7389 Business Services, NEC (translation and interpretation services)
48-49 Transportation and Warehousing ---- (No conversion)
42186 Transportation Equipment and Supplies (except Motor Vehicle) Wholesalers 5088 Transportation Equipment and Supplies, Except Motor Vehicles
42186 Transportation Equipment and Supplies (except Motor Vehicle) Wholesalers 7389 Business Services, NEC (yacht brokers)
336 Transportation Equipment Manufacturing ---- (No conversion)
56151 Travel Agencies 4724 Travel Agencies
5615 Travel Arrangement and Reservation Services ---- (No conversion)
336214 Travel Trailer and Camper Manufacturing 3792 Travel Trailers and Campers
336214 Travel Trailer and Camper Manufacturing 3799 Transportation Equipment, NEC (automobile, boat, utility and light truck trailers)
7211 Traveler Accommodation ---- (No conversion)
111335 Tree Nut Farming 0173 Tree Nuts
336212 Truck Trailer Manufacturing 3715 Truck Trailers
484 Truck Transportation ---- (No conversion)
53212 Truck, Utility Trailer, and RV (Recreational Vehicle) Rental and Leasing 7513 Truck Rental and Leasing Without Drivers
53212 Truck, Utility Trailer, and RV (Recreational Vehicle) Rental and Leasing 7519 Utility Trailers and Recreational Vehicle Rental
321214 Truss Manufacturing 2439 Structural Wood Members, NEC (trusses)
523991 Trust, Fiduciary, and Custody Activities 6091 Nondeposit Trust Facilities
523991 Trust, Fiduciary, and Custody Activities 6099 Functions Related to Depository Banking, NEC (escrow and fiduciary agencies)
523991 Trust, Fiduciary, and Custody Activities 6289 Services Allied With the Exchange of Securities or Commodities, NEC (security custodians)
523991 Trust, Fiduciary, and Custody Activities 6733 Trusts, Except Educational, Religious, and Charitable (administrators of private estates)
52592 Trusts, Estates, and Agency Accounts 6733 Trusts, Except Educational, Religious, and Charitable (personal trusts, estates, and agency accounts)
333611 Turbine and Turbine Generator Set Units Manufacturing 3511 Steam, Gas, and Hydraulic Turbines, and Turbine Generator Set Units
11233 Turkey Production 0253 Turkey and Turkey Eggs
33272 Turned Product and Screw, Nut, and Bolt Manufacturing ---- (No conversion)

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